Vehicle wraps are one of the most sought-after services in sign making. Thanks to its practicality, high-visibility, and relatively low cost, every day more businesses opt to have their physical ads on cars and/or wrapping their actual vehicle with a branded design that promotes their company.
As a sign maker or graphic designer, how can you bank on this trend? Offering vehicle wrap design is a given, but you can also be on top of trends and anticipate the needs of your customer so as to reduce the design turnaround times and offer them top-notch service.
Today we’ll help you with just that, by giving you the 5 most popular car outlines in 2020, courtesy of SignSilo, one of the most complete and affordable services in vehicle outlines and stock graphics.
Without further ado, let’s see the list!
The 5 Most Downloaded Car Outlines in 2023
#1. 2020 Ford Explorer
#2. 2020 Ford F-150
#3. 2018 Nissan NV 200
#4. 2020 Chevy Silverado
#5. 2020 Ford Transit Connect
Latest Utility Vehicles for the Win
Seeing this list of the top car outlines there is one thing very clear: most customers want to wrap up the latest, 2020 version of their utility vehicles. A similar case to that of 2018 most downloaded vehicle templates.
It’s interesting how the most sought-after vehicle template this year is of an SUV type of car, whereas in previous years vans and pick-up trucks were the preferred types of vehicles. However, a pickup truck is still a popular choice, with slots 2 and 4 being this type. The numbers 3 and 5 are models of vans, and it’s worth nothing #3 is the only non-2020 model in the lineup.
Finally, the trend is strongly set on North American manufacturers, as 4 out of 5 cars listed are American-made and only one is of Asian origin.
As a graphic designer, you get valuable input from this. Mainly, the market for new car wraps is still heavily focused on small and medium-sized businesses looking to capitalize on their delivery vehicles and personal vehicles as a means of advertising to reach their consumers.
Use Top Car Outlines Insight Wisely
With the worldwide pandemic still going and affecting the economy, these insider tips can really help you make little adjustments to improve your design business and attract more car wrap clients.
You may not only download these top 5 car outlines but also every other relevant template for SUVs, pick-up trucks, and vans to have them at the ready when a new customer comes your way — see how to use car outlines to create vehicle wraps in 6 easy steps!
And you can come up with a service tailored to these kinds of clients, too. Having a general idea of what their budget range is, you can think of design solutions that secure you the commissions. Simple wrap design with their logo or icon, more elaborated designs with vinyl graphics, image, and text, maybe package deals including a car wrap with vehicle graphics plus leaflets, social media ads, and business cards… you get the idea.
Why Vehicle Templates for Car Wrapping Design
When it comes to car wrap design, vehicle templates are a real lifesaver. As these graphics won’t go on a smooth flat surface but a tridimensional object with a specific contour shape, having a detailed at-scale template of the vehicle where your design will be applied is a huge aid to ensure the quality of the final look.
Working with an editable car outline you can get the dimensions and every detail right, to avoid rookie mistakes like having bits of the design going over the edges, overlapped text, and other errors like the unfortunate placement of graphic elements or text on sliding doors, among other examples of a bad wrap design that come up at the time of the installation. Additionally, you can create mockups to show your client how the final product would look on their vehicle.
Buy a Car Template for Less at SignSilo
SignSilo is a professional design hub for all things sign making, where you can find graphic resources ready to download and use in your creations, all royalty-free and at super affordable prices.
They have a great selection of almost 24,000 vehicle wrap templates spanning the last 3 decades up to the latest car models released, and you can get a whole year of access to this library, with 25 downloads per month, for only $99 with the exclusive Vehicle Club deal! This means professional-quality car templates for only $0.33 each!
In addition, you can find millions of stock photos, icons, vector graphics, wrap art elements, fonts, and much more to complete your designs.
Overall, SignSilo is a great resource for car wrapping and sign making in general, so it’s definitely worth a visit!
We hope our list of the top car outlines in 2020 help you gear up your vehicle wrap design business and take you to new places going forward.